New Static Roll-Packer for Huhtamaki Belfast
Huhtamaki take delivery of a new Husmann Static Roll-Packer supplied by Benagh Engineering at their packaging factory at Blackstaff, Belfast. The new machine will be used to compact waste material in 9ft open containers to a compaction ratio of 5:1, significantly reducing transport costs and carbon emissions.Keep Reading -
Ards and North Down Borough Council choose Husmann Mobile Roll-Packer
Ards and North Down Borough Council take delivery of the first new Husmann Mobile Roll-Packer into Ireland at their Balloo Recycle Centre in Bangor. Pictured is Ards and North Down's Area Manager Andrew Phillips with Benagh Engineering's Engineer Eamon Dornan at the handover.Keep Reading -
New Husmann Portable Waste Compactor at Avondale Foods
New Husmann Portable Waste Compactor for Avondale Foods Avondale food choose a new Husmann SPB 24SW-E roll-on roll-off Portable Waste Compactor for their factory in Lurgan. Avondale Foods are based in Lurgan County Down and are one of Northern Irelands leading manufacturers of fresh foods such as coleslaws and salads. Benagh Engineering are delighted to have been given the opportunity to supply them with a Husmann Portable Waste compactor to use as part of their waste management solution. ThKeep Reading -
New Website Launched
We have recently launched our new website. Keep up to date with our latest waste disposal equipment and refurbished machines. If you have any queries on any of our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us.